From my dear childhood friend Mikelle came a card with her finisher's medal and a picture of her wearing it after completing her first 10k run. She was inspired by an article she read about a doctor who gave his own running medal to a friend fighting cancer. His comment to his friend was "You are running a much more difficult marathon than the one I completed." Mikelle says in her note to Zoe "Please add this medal to your altar, but make sure to also wear it when necessary. I don't mind if you let your mom and dad wear it too."
From Jeff's old friend Sheryl came a little ceramic Angel of Hope carrying the flame of Hope and Courage.
Brooke brought a jade skull.
Marie brought a string of pearls, a beautiful photo of the sunset, a little angel pin, and a blue jay feather for the altar.
Piyale brought a little blue Turkish stone which wards off the evil eye.
The lovely folks at Stillpoint gave me a statue of a Jizo Bodhisattva in honor of my birthday. The card that came with the statue says this about Jizo:
"Jizo is a special protector of children, travelers and women. Jizo is also known to help those who are working with a life problem or physical affliction. Jizo is a powerful image of hope and solace. Jizo's qualities include unflagging optimism, fearlessness, and gentleness. A Bodhisattva is one who devotes his or her life to freeing others from suffering. Bodhisattvas are not worshipped, but are an inspiration to awaken to the qualities of an enlightened being that are inherent in everyone."
And just today, we received this note in the mail:
"When my sister, Helen, told us of your precious Zoe it was to tell our Zoe (my granddaughter turning 6 on the 29th) that there was a new little person with her name. Our Zoe said, 'Do you think she knows her name means "Life", Grandma?'
"Helen told us that your Zoe had some battles to fight, and I shared that she had been sick. While we don't know any details, that was enough for our Zoe to hear. She's decided that every time she writes her name at school, she'll tell your Zoe all the way from Maryland to Washington... 'Zoe, "Zoe" means Life!'
"She's enclosed a picture she drew as well. It's of 'Zoe and her mom sleeping up high close to God so He can sing to them.'
"Can you tell why our Zoe's middle name is Ann? It means...Grace."
Out of the mouth of babes.
Aw, now you got me all feklempt at work! :)
Children are amazing. They just get it!
How utterly precious. What would we do without children in the world to remind us of what life really is all about?
Thank you for sharing it with all of us.
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