Wow. Here it is. The most meaningful Thanksgiving of my life thus far. My heart bursts with gratitude that this hell we have toured, this valley of shadow we've traversed has opened up to such a glorious mountain top.
Our girl lives! She thrives.
I'm grateful, so grateful.
Thank you for sharing this journey with us, for sending comforting and supportive emails and comments, for lifting us up, for visiting, for holding us as we cried, for rallying the troops, for bringing food, for grocery shopping, for sending money, for encouraging me to write when I've been silent---thank you for loving us.
I'm grateful for my rock of a husband who is the strongest man I know. Ever present, ever nurturing. What a lucky, lucky woman I am.
I'm grateful for SCCA, for Seattle Children's Hospital and all of the wonderful people who work there, for transplant technology, for modern medicine, for living in Seattle where we had access to world class health care, for chemotherapy (and I NEVER thought I'd say that), for very, very smart people.
And mostly, I am grateful, so deeply thankful for an anonymous woman who gave of her very genetic substance to an unknown baby girl in the knowledge that she could possibly save a life.
I'm grateful for her social conscience that had her sign up for the registry, for her sense of responsibility that had her step forward when identified as a match, and for her tenacity to follow through with a procedure that wasn't very pleasant--all in the spirit of possibly being able to make a difference.
My heart catches every time I think of it; the magnitude of her gift is so overwhelming.
Yippee! This crazy existence we call Life is such a ride--and it is far from over yet. But at this scenic overlook we've paused at to catch our breath and stretch our legs it's looking pretty damn gorgeous.
E ticket rides don't have nothin' on this.
1 comment:
Wow! Is she standing up (with a little help) in this photo? I so want to believe my eyes. And look at that smile. That spirit. Wow! Thank you w/love, jon
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