Wow. What a day! A new beginning for our country, and the cusp of a new beginning for our girl. Seems appropriate.
Her day of rest today was "uneventful"--how I am starting to love that word! She was a bit fussier, a bit more pallid in color, but other than that, it was just another day like the seven days before it.
Tomorrow the donor cells are due to be infused at 12noon. As we have not heard anything differently, I suppose we are to expect that the "harvest" went as planned. They have been flushing the Cytoxan from her, and then have to wait 12 hours after that to transplant.
Tomorrow will be her new "birthday."
Then it's a whole lot of watching and waiting for the next two to three weeks until it will be clear whether the cells engraft or not.
Let's all see those cells settling into her marrow space quickly, with ease, and with the innate sense of rightness and "home." Cells that infuse her with the osteoclasts she needs to cure her disease.
This is the prayer I ask for.

You have got my prayers -- and yes, today seems like an auspicious one for new prayers, for new hope, for new beginnings.
Yes Zoe Can!!!
Yes Zoe WILL!
Yes, Zoe has, and YES!! Zoe will! We are sending Big Love and prayers from Texas and Arizona!
xoxo - Beckie and Jason
My prayers and thoughts are with you today! I am visualizing cells finding new homes, settling in, happily growing into their amazing new self! Yay Zoe!
Love to you all,
Forgiving the seeming sickness and separation, realizing the only real problem has already been solved, and accepting the Solution...go Zoe! :)
Just writing to wish Zoe a happy and healthy "new birthday"! You all are in our thoughts and prayers!
Much love,
Jason and Beckie
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