Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day +24

Good day, Rough night!

A malfunction in the morphine pump led to Zoe not getting her steady dose of morphine. Things got rough at around 4 am and again at 6:30 am. She was given boluses of morphine at of those times and that calmed her immediately. The malfunction was fixed and the rest of the morning was playing catch up with her pain levels. Things smoothed out and the rest of the day she was interactive, cheerful and pain free.

We are still doing the platelet body fluid dance. No bump from last nights transfusion. Her belly is still soo big. A good dose of lasix helped her reduce fluids, but as I left they were finishing a platelet transfusion to be followed by blood later in the evening.

We keep on dancing.

P.S. Happy Valentines to ya'll

Kellie and I got out to take a walk together in today's sunshine. It has been quit a while since we both got out together. We saw a pair of eagles do their air ballet and talked about our girl. A good time!!!

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